New Zealand - Auckland
- New Lynn School
- Std 1-4
- 1983
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New Lynn School
- In 1888 New Lynn School was built and opened on the land where Kelston Girls’ High School is now
- In 1910 the community asked for the school to be located in a more central position as they thought “Kelston was too far away and too dangerous!”
- In 1914 the Education Board (MoE) agreed and moved New Lynn School to where it is today
- For a long time New Lynn was the only local school. Then came Arahoe (1958), Kelston and Fruitvale (1963) which relieved the pressure off New Lynn School.
- In 1975 the old brick schoolroom at New Lynn School had to be demolished. When they cleared away the building’s rubble an interesting jar was found, which had been buried when the building was made in 1914. A preserving jar with records of the day was cemented in the foundation stone by the front steps. It had a copy of the first New Zealand Herald newspaper inside of it.