New Zealand - Timaru
- Mountainview High School
- 1996
- Form HPT
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Mountainview High School
- Mountainview High School is a co-educational state high school in Timaru
- The school operates a house system, known as Whānau. The three Whānau – "Hiwi", "Moana", and "Whenua" – compete throughout the year for the Preen Shield
- Mountainview High School was founded in 1901, and was originally named Timaru Technical College, and later Timaru College.
- In 1983 the school relocated to the current Pages Road site and was renamed Mountainview High School
- In 2005, Mountainview faced a merger alongside many other secondary schools within the proximity of the South Canterbury District due to educational changes as discussed with Education Minister of New Zealand, Trevor Mallard. Despite the unpopularity of this decision to close down schools to save taxpayer money, many had to comply with governing rule. This resulted in students from other secondary schools (namely Pleasant Point High School) to transfer to Mountainview and integrate with the students already in attendance at Mountainview High School.