New Zealand - Raumati Beach
- Raumati Beach School
- Room 11
- 1998
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Raumati Beach
- Raumati Beach is a beach community on the Kapiti Coast
- "Raumati" is the Māori language word for "summer"
- The town has many landmarks including Kapiti College, in which Peter Jackson (New Zealand Filmmaker) and Christian Cullen (Rugby Union Footballer) received their education, St. Mark's Church, the vast sandy beach (popular for walks, fishing and people on holiday), Raumati Beach Shopping Village, Kapiti Island and Weka Park.
- During the year several large events are held at Raumati Beach including the Raumati Beach Surf Casting competition which attracts hundreds of fisherman from all around New Zealand. The Kapiti Woman's Triathlon is also held annually within the Marine Gardens and attracts large crowds and is well supported.