New Zealand - Cricket
- Mount Roskill Grammar
- 1st XI
- 1980
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- The national summer sport and the second most popular sport in New Zealand, which is one of twelve countries competing in Test match cricket.
- The provincial competition is not nearly as widely followed as rugby, but international matches are watched with interest by a large portion of the population.
- This parallels the global situation in cricket, whereby the international game is more widely followed than the domestic game in all major cricketing countries.
- Historically, the national cricket team has not been as successful as the national rugby team. New Zealand played its first Test in 1930, but had to wait until 1956 until its first Test victory.
- The national team began to have more success in the 1970s and 1980s.
- New Zealand's most famous cricketer, the fast bowler Richard Hadlee who was the first bowler to take 400 wickets in test cricket, played in this era.
(Reference: Wikipedia)